Friday, January 23, 2009

Silly Things That Make Me Feel Good: Rubber Gloves

There are some things that just make you smile. They aren't big or important. They aren't expensive or even dear. They just bring a smile to your face. Usually they are silly, stupid things. It struck me tonight that one of the silly, stupid things that brings a smile to my face every single time are the rubber gloves I wear to wash the dishes each night.

My grandmother would faint if she saw my rubber gloves. My mother makes fun of them. They were women of sturdy stock and utter practicality. Their rubber gloves were the standard yellow kind. Very functional, but nothing to ignite even the smallest of smiles.

Mine are silly, funky gloves with big cuffs printed with flowers, hearts, or leopard spots. The ones I wore tonight are pink and have pink and purple hearts all over the cuffs. They're fun. They're silly. They make me smile.

I got hooked on silly rubber gloves a few years ago, when my sister-in-law got a pair with little sponges on the fingers as a gag Christmas gift. Both she and I loved them. We didn't take them as a gag for sure. I went on the prowl to find a pair. I found them online --- for $15 a pair. They're cute and they make me smile. But for $15 they would have to make me giddy for a week at least.

Later, I found them at Marshalls and other discounters for around $3-$4 a pair. This I could live with. I could by the standard yellow gloves at BigLots for around a dollar -- or--- I could by silly gloves and a smile each night doing the dishes (or other dirty work) for $4. Seemed like a bargain to me.

Wandering through the aisles of CVS the other night trying to spend and roll my ECB from the huge free after ECB event just before Christmas, I found a box of these silly gloves in the dollar sale aisle. You know, the aisle with all of the red cardboard boxes holding all manner of silly things. There they were --- in about six different silly patterns. Sounded to me like the perfect use of extra ECB. So --- thank you CVS for buying my smiles for the next month or so. I appreciate it.

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