Friday, July 17, 2009

Stockpiling for Beginners

Okay, we've had a number of conversations about stockpiling, some of us. And the rest of us are probably just about to have that self-same conversation --- so .... lets all do this together, shall we?
Why stockpile?
No, not because I think the world is going to end sometime next month and I'll need all of that food and shampoo and toothpaste.
And no, not in case of nuclear winter either.
And, definitely no ... not because we might find ourselves persecuted and unable to exercise basic acts of living... like buying food.
And yes --- I know --- all of those are reasons why some people do stockpile.
I stockpile for one very simple reason:

I see no reason to pay for something this week that the store was giving away for free last week.

That's it.  Its just that simple and cut-and-dried for me.  I "buy" when its free or nearly so.  I store it somewhere in my house.  I use what I need, when I need it.  I don't pay money for things that are easily gotten for free.
Shampoo, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, and laundry detergent can sit on my shelf as easily as they sit on the shelf at CVS, Walgreens, or RiteAid.  I am NOT paying rent to the store so that these items can sit on their shelves instead of mine.

The trick comes in finding creative storage inside my house so that my house doesn't look like CVS.  I'll work on photographing some of my storage (I don't go overboard).  But in the meantime -- have a look at AllThingsFrugal.  She has collected some of the best articles and photos (even a video) about stockpiling that I've ever seen.  Some of the folks go a little bit over the top --- beyond what I can manage or even want to manage, thank you very much.  But its enlightening --- and if you don't come away from this with
1) at least one gasp or amazement (or shock -- depending)
2) at least one new idea that you actually CAN USE for increasing storage at your house (the can rack/sofa table is a serious NO GO around here)
then you're doing something very wrong (or very right and should have written this article yourself.

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