Sunday, March 13, 2011

Esther's Maiden Voyage: Stop and Shop

I'm so proud of Esther (who will probably kill me when she reads this).
Here's what she did tonight at Stop and Shop (no coupons!!!)

7 Stouffer dinners ($3.69 shelf price) $2.00 sale price = $14.00
Get $10 CAT back
Rinse, repeat until you get tired.... (we thought it might accumulate for the $100/$25 frozen food deal, but they keep knocking off the CAT when you use it to pay, so NO GO)

6 Breyers ice cream ($4.39 shelf price) $2.50 sale = $15.00
less the $10 CAT from before
Pay $5.00
Get another $10 CAT

Then we found a $2.00 CAT that someone abandoned --- WOO HOO --- found money on top of pillaging.

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