Thursday, February 18, 2010

Big Y: Week of 2/18

I don't usually do too much at Big Y because their sale week runs Thursday to Wednesday and that is just too challenging for my organizational skills.  (Just doesn't fit with the work week and the general routine)
But since I got free paper towels and free toilet paper there last week, I thought I'd give them a try this week.  Its not a great week, but not too shabby.  
They always double coupons up to $.99, but this week there are Dollar Doublers in the paper, meaning they will double up to 3 coupons of $1.00 value for you this week.  
Here's what I'm thinking: 

Thomas Bagels or Mini Bagels 15-20oz B1G1
Use  $1 off Thomas Honey Wheat bagels All You March 
Eggland's Best Eggs dozen $4/2
Use  35¢ off SS 11/1 or SS 1/31 DOUBLED 
Final Cost:  $1.30
Special K cereal bars 3.8-4.86 oz $5/2
Use $1 off 2 (RP 1/3) and use your doubler
Final Cost:  $2.00 each
Carolina Rice Mix 4.5-5oz 3/$2
Use  75¢ off 2 (RP 2/7) DOUBLED
Final Cost:  $.16 each

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