Oh, well --- to our benefit then.....
KMart is going to be running a deal (watch the flyers, I don't have dates yet) Buy a $50 gift card and get a $10 gift card free.
Now that doesn't sound like such a great deal on the surface --- BUT....
At KMart you can use a gift card to buy a gift card ----
So ---- Lay out $50 and buy a $50 GC -- get a $10 GC free
Use the first $50 GC to purchase another $50 GC --- and get another $10 GC free
Use that $50 GC to purchase another $50 GC -- and get another $10 GC free ---
Okay if you stop right there (and I know you're not going to) you have spent $50 and you now have $80 --- Try that at the stock market.
You can continue doing this until you get tired, the store runs out of gift cards or hell freezes -- which ever comes first.
If you have a fairly large purchase you'd like to make at KMart -- this is a great way to work out a super cheap deal.
Or --- you can hold onto the GCs until the next superdoubles deal at KMart and pay them with their own money..... tee hee.
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