There is an Easy Saver Rebate (#32) where you buy $20 of Palmer Easter Chocolate and get $10 back by mail.

So if you buy 8 bags a $2.99
= $11.95 (4 bags are Free!)
= $11.95 (4 bags are Free!)
Combine with ESR of $10
Final Cost: $1.95 for 8 bags of Candy for the Easter Baskets!!
While your there, here’s a few more Easter deals to take note of:
Marshmallow peeps (4-5 pk) $.39 w/in ad coupon
Act II Easter Popcorn eggs $.39 w/ in ad coupon
Fill n Fun Plastic Easter Eggs (6-24 pk) $.79 w/ in ad coupon
Mini Sticker Books or Puzzles 3/$1 w/in ad coupon
Easter pencils 5/$1 w/in ad coupon
Select Easter Toys for Girls or Boys are 3/$3.98
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