I love the Fourth of July! I love the parades. I love the fireworks! I love the concerts. I love the picnics!! I love being with family and friends. Its a pretty great holiday all in all.
So what are the budget plans around here for a terrific fourth??
Well, of course, we'll be attending the Pittsfield July 4th Parade. This is the largest parade in the Northeast (or so they tell me). It typically goes on for about 2 and half hours. I'll get there early enough to ensure a seat on the green in the shade. I'll spread out a blanket and set up a couple of lawn chairs and have my breakfast on the lawn. We'll be joined this year by my husband's mother and by some friends and their 86 year old mother. We've invited two other couples to join us, but haven't heard as of yet if they'll be coming. Unfortunately, the two mothers do not speak the same language, so they won't have much to chat about -- but it will still be fun. I'm making my grocery and packing list today -- I'll pack a thermos of coffee and a bottle of juice along with some frozen bottles of water to keep us cool. Then I'm thinking about blueberry muffin/coffeecake to keep everyone happy before the parade. Once the parade gets going, no one is thinking much about food (at least in our happy clan) Everyone is ooohing and aaaahing over the bands, the floats, and the gigantic balloons. We'll be hot and thirsty (another frozen water bottle, anyone?) -- but food won't matter just then.
After the parade, we'll head back home for the afternoon. I've got hamburgers (got a great deal at the supermarket this week) and salads to feed the clan for the main meal of the day. We'll fire up the grill and enjoy the shady patio. Even the dog will likely get some July 4th hamburger!! (She's already wearing her patriotic spirit in the form of a star-spangled bandana)
Late afternoon, we'll head over to the "big city" about 45 minutes away. They have a huge festival downtown at State headquarters. It will be long underway when we arrive --- but there will be concerts (usually a military band or two) and jugglers and street performers while we await the fireworks.
The fireworks are the highlight of the whole day -- they reflect off of the office towers -- all sheets of glass windows -- and off of the reflecting pools that are a part of the grounds of the state office buildings. Its beautiful!! It will be a long walk to wherever we've managed to park the car -- and we wont' rush, as we would just sit in the traffic jam anyway --- We'll get home late, tired and very happy.... Maybe popsicles to finish the day??? Or would that be gilding the lily.
The entire day will cost us a few gallons of gas (not as cheap as it used to be!) and the groceries I've already picked up --- not bad for a terrific holiday together with family and friends.
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