Monday, August 23, 2010

CVS: CREST limits are UP

Remember that great free toothpaste deal at CVS this week??
This one:
Crest Pro Health Clinical Gum Protection $3.49
Get $2.50 ECB
Use $1/1 from 8/1 PG
Final Cost:  FREE

Yep, that one --- well, it just got a little bit sweeter --- the limit appears to be 10 rather than 2.  In other words --- assuming you have enough coupons, you can do this deal 10 times --- and donate 10 tubes of toothpaste to the food pantry (I know, you don’t really want 10 tubes of toothpaste at your house.  I don’t want it at my house right now either.)

There’s also a decent deal on SmartWater $1.00 each
Look for tear pad coupons in the store (or in other stores you happen to be in) for $1/3
Now --- buy 10 bottles of SmartWater
Use 3 of the tear pad coupons
Pay $7.00 and get $5 ECB back
Final Cost:  $.20 per bottle. 
Cheap bottled water.

Thanks to Common Sense with Money for letting everyone know about this.

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