Monday, July 12, 2010

Rite Aid: Week of 7/11

I’m back in the land of Price Chopper and Rite Aid for the summer.  And since I’ve had a couple of requests (you know who you are) and Rite Aid is being a little more cooperative lately, I’ll try keeping up with the Rite Aid deals for the summer.  We’ll see after that …..

Don’t forget, Rite Aid has a new wellness program with a card (similar to the CVS card)  Many of the sales and discounts won’t work without the card.  Get yours, organize yours and don’t forget to scan yours.  Also, they’re experimenting with UP Rewards (similar to the Register Rewards program at Walgreens).  Don’t lose them or throw them away.  They are what make the deals work. 
Also, Rite Aid still has the long-standing SCR (Single Check Rebate) program.  File your receipts online as soon as you do the purchase (the sooner you file them, the sooner you’ll know if something didin’t work --- if you shop early in the week and file right away, there’s a chance you’ll have time to correct an error.
Rite Aid has a lovely little $5/$25 coupon that you can put to good use this week.  It’s the same coupon that has been floating around for several weeks now, so if you already printed and used, it – no go.  If you’re new to the game, go to and see if you can find it (it doesn’t show up for me, cuz I’ve already done it – so I can’t give you the link)
Okay, commercial over.  Here’s what looks like potential deals at Rite Aid this week (not sure what I’ll actually do --- I’ll let you know)

Crest Extra White Plus Scope Outlast $2.69
Get $2.69 SCR (at the end of the month)
Use $.75/1 from 6/27 RP
Or use $.75/1 from 7/4 PG
Final Cost:  PROFIT $.75

Crest 3D Toothpaste $2.99
Get $2.00 SCR
Use $.75/1 from 6/27 RP
Final Cost:  $.24

Johson and Johnson Triple Layer No Stick Pads $3.59
Use $2/1 printable here
Or you may find peelies for $1/1 right on the bos
Use the $2/1 coupon from the Rite Aid circular this week (cut it out and give it to the cashier)
Get a $1 UPReward back
Final Cost:  Profit (either way you do the deal)

I’ll be trying this deal with the Rolled Gauze (I need it for a project)
Buy 2 Rolled Gauze --- $7.18
Use 2x the $2/1 in ad coupon
Use the $3/2 printable coupon from here
Pay $.18
And get $1 UPReward
(not sure if using 2 Rite Aid coupons will work --- we’ll see)

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