Thursday, May 14, 2009

Price Chopper: Week of 5/11

I know the week is half over, but I'm just getting around to the Price Chopper deals. They haven't been all that enticing of late, so I haven't been as diligent about getting the list done. (not to mention, I've been so crazy busy -- I've had to pick and choose how much shopping I'm actually doing -- and Price Chopper just hasn't been making the cut)
So --- here's my list for Price Chopper this week --- for what its worth.

Fresh Seedless Red Grapes, $.98 lb.
Price Chopper Cheddar Cheese, $2.99
Use $1.00/3 i-saver coupon
Dole Salads, Buy 1 @ 3.49, Get 1 Free

Kraft Salad Dressing, $1.99
Use $1.00/1 Kraft Dressing (can also use $1.50/1 from 5/10 Smart Source insert)
$.99 each

Thomas' English Muffins, $1.29 (1/2 price)

Catalina (CAT) Deal: Buy $20 worth of these participating products from ConAgra and get a $5 CAT coupon good on your next shopping order.

Wesson 64 oz. Vegetable Oil, $3.99
Hunt's Ketchup, $.99
Healthy Choice Soup, $1.39
Peter Pan Peanut Butter, $2.28

Remember: CAT's work on pre-sale prices --- you don't add up the sale prices to get to $20 --- you check the shelf tags and use the regular prices. By the time you take the sale discounts, apply any coupons and then subtract the CAT --- it works out to some amazing deals.
I'm not finding any coupons on the participating items that interest me (there are a few others -- like Chef Boyardee (NOT interested) and Hunts Snack Packs (so NOT interested) -- but it should still make for some cheap pantry essentials.

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