Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Shopping List Tool

This looks incredibly cool. Colette at WayMore4WayLess has developed a spreadsheet that keeps track of what's the deal at what store. I know that I'm always reading the blogs and the list at Coupon Mom and The Grocery Game and then when I get all done, I can't remember what I'm supposed to be buying and where I'm supposed to be buying it.
Keeping track of all of the coupons, advertised and unadvertised deals, rebates etc can be tricky, tricky, tricky. Colette has graciously put this spreadsheet on her blog for free downloading!! Way to go Colette!! Just click here and you can download the thing ---- try it (I'm going to!!) and then lets compare notes. (Don't forget to send Colette your feedback on this tool too. Just leave a comment on her blog.)
Yay to Denise Sawyer for spreading the word about this......

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