Thursday, August 21, 2008

FaceBook Flop: What a Mess!!

For those of you who haven't been following the FaceBook coupon saga ---- three words sum it all up nicely: What a mess!!

Click through to here to find an article that lays out the facts rather nicely

Then go here to find some perspective from someone who got caught in the mess (Note: I really respect IHeartCVS and commend the incredibly ethical behavior demonstrated through all of this --- if you scroll down to older posts on the blog, you'll see examples of what I mean. Classy individual who totally has a right to way more ranting than is being done)

Personally, I found out about the coupons while they were still very lucrative -- but being a FaceBook chicken, I delayed considerably. By the time I got there, the coupons were down to about $.50 off or so --- wasn't sure they really were even worth the toner and paper, but I did print out a few of them. Thankfully, I didn't get around to using them --- thus potentially destroying my reputation with several stores (at one of the stores I frequently patronize, the manager has been known to tell a particular balky cashier "This lady knows what she's doing. If she gave you the coupons, just put them through.") You don't come by that kind of reputation easily --- and I would be raging, blazing mad to have it ruined with a mess like this (which I think is a big part of IHeartCVS's point).

Check out Dana's post about ethical behavior --- its a tad preachy for my taste, but that's the audience at that blog, so....... But regardless --- she's got a point. We have to be ethically and morally responsible people..... period... end.

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