Crest or Oral-B Pro Health, 3D White Vivid, Scope Outlast Rinse, or Satin Floss - $3.29
Get a $3.29 ECB (limit 2)
some of these coupons expire on Monday, so don't dawdle!!
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, P&G 01/30 ***
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste, P&G 01/16 **
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste, P&G 01/16 ***
$1/1 Scope Outlast Mouthwash, RP 02/06
$1/1 Scope Mouthwash, RP 02/06
Final Cost: PROFIT $.75 - $1.00
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel, P&G 01/30 ***
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste, P&G 01/16 **
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste, P&G 01/16 ***
$1/1 Scope Outlast Mouthwash, RP 02/06
$1/1 Scope Mouthwash, RP 02/06
Final Cost: PROFIT $.75 - $1.00
Oral-B CrossAction Power Toothbrush or Brush Heads 2pk - $6.00
Get a $3 ECB (limit 2)
buy 2 and use B1G1 Oral-B CrossAction Battery Toothbrush,P&G 1/30**
or use 2x $3/1 from the 2/27 PG
Final Cost: FREE
buy 2 and use B1G1 Oral-B CrossAction Battery Toothbrush,P&G 1/30**
or use 2x $3/1 from the 2/27 PG
Final Cost: FREE
Revitalens Multi-purpose Solutions 4oz - $5.99
Get $5.99 ECB
Final Cost: FREE
Excedrin - $4.79
Spend $20 Get $10 ECB (limit 1)This really isn't a great deal UNLESS you have some of the free Excedrin product coupons from a few weeks ago. Then you can hit the $20.00 without any trouble -- and make a $10.00 profit