Monday, April 27, 2009
Shaws, Shaws, Shaws, Shaws....
Anyway --- here it is
Transaction #1
7 rolls of Viva paper towels --- sale price $1.99 (psp $2.29)
Total: $13.93 (but I’m over the $15 to kick in the cat)
Used 7 coupons from the paper for $.85 each and they ALL doubled (only the first 5 should have doubled according to Shaws’ rules)
New Total: $2.88 ---
Paid oop and got a CAT good for $5.00
Transaction #2
2 boxes of Glad trash bags $6.49 each (psp $7.99)
Total: $12.98 (but I’m over the $15 psp for the CAT again)
Used 1 coupon from the paper for $1.00 off (no doubling)
New Total: $11.98
Paid with my CAT from above and
$6.98 oop (we needed trash bags!!) and got a CAT for $5.00
Transaction #3
12 boxes of Kleenex at 10/$10 (psp $1.29)
Total: $12.00 (you guessed it – over the $15 psp again)
Used 4 coupons for $.50/ 3 which doubled
New total: $8.00
Paid with my CAT from above –
$3.00 oop
Transaction #4
10 pouches of Bumblebee tuna (don’t ask!! We use this like crazy at obedience school with the dog) 10/$10
Total $10.00
Used 5 coupons for $1.00/2
New total: $5.00
This is where I made my mistake. Because the total was only $5.00, they wouldn’t let me use the $5.00 CAT --- if I had thought quickly and thrown in a pack of gum or some silly thing, it would have gone fine. My Shaws is very finicky about “you have to pay something”. They will not let the total hit zero – no matter what.
So, I paid the $5.00 oop and figured I still made out just fine for the night.
Sum total: $17.86 OOP and a $5.00 CAT still in my pocket. If I have enough coupons, I’ll keep repeating with the Kleenex, paper towels, and tuna. Gotta think about more trash bags – I hate paying real money like that -- on anything really, but especially on trash bags.
CVS: Week of 4/26
Buy 1 Garnier Fructis Shampoo, Conditioner, or Styler at $2.99
Get $2 ECB (Limit 1)
Use the $1/1 coupon from the 1/4 RP
Final Cost: FREE
Buy 1 Crest Cavity, Tartar, or Baking Soda & Peroxide toothpaste or Oral B Indicator toothbrush at $1.99
Get $1 ECB (Limit 2)
Use $0.75/1 coupon from the 4/5 P&G
Final Cost: $0.24
Buy $15 worth of Colgate or SC Johnson cleaning products, Get $5 ECBs (Limit 1)
Deal Plan from MoneySavingMom
Buy 5 Fantastik products at $2.50 each
Buy 3 Palmolive dish soaps $0.88 each
Use 5 $1/1 Fantastik coupons from the 3/29 SS
Use 3 $0.25/1 Palmolive coupons from the 4/26 SS
Spend $9.39 plus tax out of pocket
Get back a $5 ECBs
Final Cost: $0.55 each
Buy 3 Tresemme Products (on sale 3 for $10), Get $5 ECBs (Limit 2)
Use 3 $1/1 coupons
Final Cost: $0.67 each (I'm waiting to see if this has been reset from last week. I'm hoping not --- I bought $15 worth last week because of coupons etc -- which made them free -- so if it hasn't reset, I'm half way there!)
Buy 1 Schick Intuition Plus razor at $8.99, Get $4 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use the $4/1 coupon from the 3/22 or 4/26 SS
Final Cost: $.99
Band-Aid Bandages--on sale for $1 (part of ECB deal mentioned above)
Use $1/1 from the 3/15 SS or 4/26 RP
Final Cost: FREE
Another Deal Plan (if you have 4 sets of inserts from 3/15)
Buy 4 Visine Tears at $4 each
Buy 4 Band-Aids at $1 each
Use 4 $3/1 Vision coupons from the 1/4 or 3/15 RedPlum inserts
Use 4 $1/1 Band-Aid coupons from the 3/15 SmartSource insert or the 4/26 RedPlum insert
Spend $4 plus tax out of pocket
Get $10 ECBs
Final Cost: PROFIT $6.00
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Walgreens: Week of 4/26
Nivea Body Wash (16.9 oz) $4.99
Get $4.99 RR’s
Use $1 printable coupon
Final Cost: PROFIT $1
Ecotrin $2
Get $2 RR’s
Use $1 MQ (1/25 SS)
Final Cost: PROFIT $1
Rembrandt Toothpaste/Mouthwash $5.99
Get $5.99 RR’s
Final Cost: Free
Bayer Quick Release Crystals $2.49
Get $2.49 RR’s
Final Cost: Free
Listerine Mouthwash 2/$8, Get $4 RR wyb 2= 2/$4
3 Pack Trident or Trident White Gum 2/$4
Use $1/3 MQ (3/8 SS)
Final Cost: 3/$1
Baking Soda or Morton Salt $.50 w/ in-ad coupon
Hallmark Gift Wrap or Tissue Paper $.39 w/ in-ad coupon (We're a family with a ton of spring birthdays and Mother's Day and Father's Day coming -- well use this like crazy)
Reynolds Foil or wax paper 20 sq ft $.89 w/ in-ad coupon
use $1/1 from 3/15 SS
Final Cost: PROFIT $.11
SunLight Dish Detergent B1G1F w/ in-ad coupon
Use (2) $.25 MQ (2/22 SS)
Rite Aid: Week of 4/26
SaltAire Sinus & Allergy Relief (1 ct.) $6.99
Use $6.99 SCR
Combine with $1 printable coupon
Final Cost: PROFIT $1
Understand I love, love, love this stuff. I use it all winter and spring. Its a saline rinse for your sinuses and it gets out all of the gunk and irritants that lead to swollen sinuses and sinus infections. Love it. My only whine is that the SCR program is limited to one per household, so I can only do this deal once (unless I find friends who will let me use them for anothere rebate -- hint, hint)
While I'm there --- I'll pick up these good deals as well (hey, once I'm sending out for the SCR cheque, I might as well make it worth the time and energy!!)
Skintimate Shave Cream (6 oz.) $2.99
Use $2.24 SCR
Combine with $.75 MQ (4/26 SS)
Final Cost: Free (I know, I know, I have a ton of this from the Walgreens and CVS deals, but it makes my skin feel fabulous and it is free after all)
Electrasol/Finish Quantum Tabs (12 ct.) $4.49
Use $1.50 SCR
Combine with $2.50 MQ (4/19 SS)
Final Cost: $.49
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
How Do I Organize It?
First ---- I use the Coupon Mom system for dealing with the flyers each week. They come in the newspaper each Sunday. I pull them out of the paper and put them in a file folder marked with just the date. So coupons from this coming Sunday will be in a folder marked 4/26. That's it!! I'm done. I don't look at them. I don't sort them. I don't cut them out. Nothing. Just file them by the date. Later on when my mother-in-law gives me a pile of inserts that she's been saving for me, I'll file each of them in the appropriate folder. (Hint: the date is printed in super teeny-tiny print along the spine of the insert) I keep a file crate (the cheapie kind from Staples) with all of the folders in order by date.
Next --- I have some coupons that have come from other places. Those need to be dealt with as well. I have a folder marked All You for the coupons that come from that magazine. Another folder marked Shaws (they tend to have a lot of store coupons and booklets) and another marked CVS for the Beauty Book coupons from them.
I also have a zippered binder filled with photo inserts and money collecting inserts (from a hobby shop). I've put tabs on them with general categories: hair, dental, cosmetics, snacks, beverages, etc. The loose coupons that come from all sorts of places go in these. These are the coupons from the blinkie machines in the supermarket, from tearpads in the drugstore or supermarket, from the boxes of products I've already purchased, peelies, and other assorted places. This is also where coupons end up if I've clipped them for a deal and then I don't do the deal for some reason.
Finally, I have a little zippered notebook that was meant to hold a calendar/organizer. I got it for a few dollars at an odd lot store. I've thrown away the calendar stuff and filled it with pocket inserts and business card holder sheets from Staples.
Each store I frequent has its own page. The business card holders keep all of my cards (each of the supermarkets has its own card, plus CVS --- its too many to manage in my wallet). The little pocket insert holds any rewards from the store that I need to remember to use (ECBs, RegisterRewards, catalinas). The other side of the pocket is where I put the coupons that I'll need for that store for the week.
Once a week, I sit down and make my lists from all of the stuff I find on the internet and from the flyers the stores provide. I'm experimenting right now with a cut and paste operation into a Publisher document that gives me a little booklet that fits right into my little notebook. I'm not sure I'm liking it --- it often isn't giving me enough space and it comes out in a font too tiny to read sometimes. I used to do it by hand on a folded piece of paper with columns down the side to keep track of money going out and coming back to me (ECBs etc again). We'll see which method will stick. My list goes into my little notebook and travels with me through the week. Then I pull the coupons from my big file (that 's why the date is generally posted with the shopping list. Its posted like that on most every site around the web on this topic -- the few who don't provide the date are more frustrating than they're worth) --- I stick the coupons into the appropriate pocket of my little organizer ---and I'm good to go!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Walgreens Moneymaker!!
There’s a hot cereal deal not advertised on the weekly Walgreens circular.
Post Cereal Trail Mix Crunch is on sale this week 2/$5. The following Register Reward deal is being reported all over the web:
Buy 3 boxes Get $2.00 Register Reward back
Buy 4 Get $3.00
Buy 5 or more and get $5.00
So ------
Use the $2/1 printable coupon here. It’s a Smartsource coupon and people are reporting they have been able to print more than two coupons at once. If you are able to get your hands in more than two coupons you could:
$12.50 for five boxes of cereal-$10 five $2/1 printable coupons=$2.50 out of pocket and get a $5 Register reward back
Final Cost: PROFIT $2.50
Shop Rite: Week of 4/19
Here's my shopping list:
Ocean Spray Juice $1.59
-$0.55/1 from 4-19RP
Final Cost: $0.49
Arm & Hammer Detergent $1.99
-$1/2 from 4-19SS
Final Cost: $1.49 each
Marcal Napkins 250-ct $1.69
-$1/1 from 3-08SS
Final Cost: $0.69
Save $2.00 Off your next shopping trip when you buy any 2 Dole Frozen Fruit
2 Dole Fruit $2.99 (limit 4 per variety)-(2) $0.75/1 from 3-01RP
OOP $2.98 get $2 back so
Final Cost: 2/$0.98 or $0.49 each
Shaws: ConAgra Deal: More Ideas
I AM going to point you toward WickedCoolDeals --- she's been working the deal all weekend and has done some amazing shopping ---- and she's been kind enough to list out her transactions for you.
She has more coupons than some of you have --- but you can still use her scenarios to build some of your own. This is an opportunity to snag some free food --- either for your own family or for your generous donation to your favorite food pantry for those less fortunate than yourself. (Remember --- giving generously is a part of this!!)
Head over to WickedCoolDeals and then head straight for Shaws --- don't fool around. GO!!
More Stop and Shop: 4/19
Buy $10 in the following products and receive a $3 cat.
Remember --- CAT deals almost always work off of PSPs or pre-sale prices ---- Here's what I found at my Stop and Shop (double check yours, they're not consistent)
Mennen Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick (includes Lady 24/7) 2/$5 (psp $3.00)
$1/2 from 3/29 SS (expires 4/18) = 2/$4
Colgate Max Fresh or Total Toothpaste, assorted varieties 2/$5 (PSP $2.99)
$1.50/1 Colgate Total Advanced varieties from March All You = 1/$1
Colgate Max Fresh, Max White, Navigator or Whitening Toothbrush 1 ct 2/$5 (psp $2.79)
Irish Spring 8 pk $3.99 (PSP 4.49)
Softsoap Elements Hand Soap 2/$3 (PSP $1.50 so not really a sale at all)
$1/3 from 3/29 SS = 3/$3.50
Irish Spring or Softsoap Body Wash 2/$7 (psp $4.49)
$1/1 Softsoap from 3/29 SS (expires 4/18) or March All You = 1/$2.50
Put together a combination of items that comes very, very close to $10.00 psp (WITHOUT GOING UNDER!! Remember, $9.99 is NOT $10.00 -- The CAT will not print at $9.99.) Then deduct for the sale price and the coupons and voila --- you pay as little as possible oop and you get money back from Stop and Shop.
2x Colgate Total @psp $2.99 = $5.98PSP
Sale price $5.00 - 2X $1.50 coupons from AllYou = $2.00
1 Irish Spring Bodywas @ psp $4.49 (NEW TOTAL= psp $10.47 -- triggers the CAT)
Sale price $3.50 - $1.00 coupon from AllYou = $2.50
oop = $4.50 and get a CAT back for $3.00
Final Cost: $1.50 for two tubes of toothpaste and one bottle of bodywash
What else can you come up with???
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My Stop and Shop List: 4/19
Anyway ---- yes, the Stop and Shop ad started a few days ago --- yes, I know I'm late --- I'm sorry and it WILL happen again -- cuz their week just doesn't seem to work for me.
Here is my shopping list for Stop and Shop --- it is by no means exhaustive or complete --- its simply what looks good to me and worth my time and energy to stockpile and shop for my family.
2 lbs. Strawberries, $2.99 (oh, yeah, we're definitely doing this one)
Top Round London Broil or Top Round Roast, $1.79 lb
Kellogg's Cereals, 3/$5;
Use $1.50 Kellogg's Cereal from 4/5 RP
Final Cost: $1.50 for 3 or $.50 a box
Edy's Ice Cream, $1.99 (limit 3)
Dannon Yogurt, 20/$10
Perri Italian Sausage, 2/$5
Glaceau Vitamin Water, $1; use $1/1 from 3/29 SS
Final Cost: FREE
Chicken of the Sea Tuna 10/$10
Ortega Taco Shells, 2/$3.00; use $1.00/2 from May All You Magazine
General Mills Cereals (Cheerios, Honey Nut, Reese Peanut Butter Puffs, Kix, Honey Kix or Lucky Charms), $2.99; use $1.00/2 from 4/5 SS
Final Cost: $1.99 for 2 or $.98 each (not as good as the Kelloggs, but if you're fussy.....)
Muir Glen Organic Soup, $2.49;
use $1/1 from 2/8 SS insert
Final Cost: $1.49 EACH
Don't forget: if you purchase $15 worth of participating General Mills, Scott Naturals or Clorox Green Works Products, you'll get 5 FREE Reusable Shopping Bags instantly at checkout! Now, I have more reusable bags than I really know what to do with most days, but some of them are getting a little ratty and need replacing.
Also, I find that it really works for me to have different styles and designs so that I can tell what I'm doing when I'm sorting out items for the food bank, our pantry, my family, and other giving. Since the cereal is on my list -- and the yoplait yogurt looks like it might count, I'm good to go.
CVS: Week of 4/19
Use $1/1 from the 4/19 SS
Final Cost: $0.79 cents
Bayer Aspirin Quick Release Crystals 4 ct $2 get $2 ECBs (limit 1)
Final Cost: FREE
Crest Pro Health Toothpaste 4.2oz, Rinse 250ml,Oral B Floss 27-55 yds or Super Floss 50ct $2.88 get $2 ECBs (limit 2)
Use .75/1 or $1/1 Crest coupon from the 4/5 PG
Final Cost: FREE (if you got the $1 coupon, I did!!)
Edge Infused Comfort or Hydrate Shave Gel $2.89 Earn 2.89 ECBs (limit 1)
Final Cost: FREE (at some point even free shave cream is too much shave cream. I'll let you know when I get to that point)
L’Oreal Eye Shadow or Liner BOGO (looks to be priced at $3.99)
Use $2/1 or $1/1 from the 4/19 RP
Final Cost: FREE (if you got the $2 coupon -- or about $2.00 if you got the $1 coupon -- still not bad)
Walgreens: Week of 4/19
Revlon Cosmetics on sale BOGO (reg Price as low as $4.99 -- that would be the eyeshadow I'm addicted to)
Use two $2/1 coupon from 3/15 SS
Final Cost: $1.09 for two (depending on the product you buy, of course)
Johnson’s Body Care (softwash and softlotion) $3.99
Use $2/1 from 4/19
Final Cost: $1.99
Reach Toothbrush and floss $0.99 after in-ad coupon
Use $3/2 coupon from 3/15 SS
Final Cost: PROFIT $1.00
Hershey Bagged Candy 4/$10
Get $5 via ESR when you buy 4 bags
Use $1/1 coupon from 3/1 SS
Final Cost: $1 for four bags
Skintimate Save Cream $2.99, Earn $2.99 in RR when you buy one
Final Cost: FREE -- yes they're still doing this deal, and yes, I'm still carrying home shaving cream!!
Edge Infused or Energy Shaving Gel $2.99, Earn a $2.99 RR when you buy one
(mine printed a $3.50 RR)
Final Cost: FREE
Mitchum Deodorant $2.99, Earn a $2 RR when you buy one
Use $0.75/1 coupon from 3/22 SS
Final Cost: $0.24
Chapstick Natural or True Shimmer Lip Balm $1.99Earn a $1.99 register reward when you buy one
Final Cost: FREE
There are a few other deals, but nothing that I found all that enticing --- Physicians Formula makeup (if you love it, its a great deal) and some vitamins and cleaning supplies --- I'm leaving them for someone else.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Gotta Get To Shaws!! 4/17 and on
So ---- Get thee to Shaws!!
Here's how the catalina deals work (always --- whenever, wherever) You buy a certain amount of participating products and the machine next to the cash register (called a catalina machine) spits out a coupon good for a certain dollar amount on your next shopping trip. They generally are good for 2 weeks or so. Usually they roll -- meaning you can use one catalina to pay for an order and get another catalina back --- That's the beauty of the deal.
Shaws is running a catalina deal on ConAgra products right now ---Spend $25 on Participating Products and receive $10 Off Your Next Trip!
Most catalina deals at most supermarkets work on Pre-Sale prices. Shaws promos usually do and this one is no exception. That means that the $25 you need to spend is not $25 at the cash register!! It is $25 if the items were at full price. Shaws is terrific about running sales concurrent with their catalina deals ----This time out is no exception. The only tricky part is that PSP (presale prices) are not consistent from area to area --- you have to double and triple check everything yourself. This is a time to definitely have your calculator smoking in the aisle of the supermarket. Remember $24.99 is NOT $25. If you're off by even one penny, the deal will not work. Check the shelf tags and make a list for yourself. It matters.
Before you even get started with coupons etc, there are a couple of deals that will work out to free food ---- just because Shaws loves us.
(4) Wesson Oils ($7.99PSP = 31.96 PSP) On sale $2.50x4=$10
$10 OOP Get Back $10 = FREE
(2) Wesson Oils ($7.99PSP) $2.50x2=$5
(5) Hunts Ketchups ($2.00PSP) $1x5=$5
$10 OOP Get Back $10 = FREE
Remember --- this works if the PSP in your store is equal to or greater than the PSP listed here. Otherwise -- you'll need to recalculate to make sure that your PSP total is at $25. Special thanks for these scenarios goes to Deal Finding Mom
Now --- when you start looking at all of the stuff included in this promotion --- AND on sale (thank you, Shaws!!) the possiblities become even more enticing.
Marie Callender's Complete Dinners 12.5-21oz 4/$10 ($4.99 PSP)
Banquet Dinners 6.75-11oz $1.00 (3/$4 PSP)
Healthy Choice Complete Selections 10.5-12.5oz or Cafe Steamers 9.5-10.4oz 2/$6 (dinners $3.99 Steamers $4.49 PSP)
Marie Callender's Pot Pies 16.5oz $2.99 ($4.19 PSP)
Kid Cuisine Dinners 7.15-10.6oz 4/$10 ($2.59 PSP)
Hunt's 14.5oz or Rotel Tomatoes 10oz $1.00 (hunts 3/$4 rotel $1.19 PSP)
Pam Cooking Spray 5-6oz Selected Varieties $2.99 ($3.79-$3.99 PSP)
Wesson Cooking Oil 48oz 2/$5 (corn and canola $7.99 vegetable $5.69 PSP)
Hunt's Tomato Sauce 15oz $1.00 ($1.50 PSP)
Reddi Wip Wipped Cream 7oz 2/$5 ($3.49 PSP)
Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn 4-ct, 6oz 3/$5 ($2.89 PSP)
Egg Beaters 15-16oz 2/$5 ($3.99 PSP)
Hebrew National Franks or Knockwurst 11-12oz BOGO ($5.99 or $6.99 PSP)
Van Camp's Pork and Beans 15oz
Snack Pack Pudding 4-pack
Peter Pan Peanut Butter 18oz $2.69
Hunt's Pasta Sauce 26-26.5oz
Chef Boyardee cans 15oz or Microwavable Cups 7.5oz $1.00 ($1.39 PSP)
Hunt's Ketchup 20-24oz (not listed but reported working by SD!) $1.00 ($2.00 PSP)
Remember -- you need to double check the presale prices ---- the ones I've listed are what's being reported by people around New England who have done the deal --- its what the PSP is in THEIR store --- yours (or mine) is likely to be a little different ---- make sure is isn't going to spoil the deal for you.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Free Soap!!!
Well, thank you Proctor and Gamble for providing free soap for all of us who are savvy enough to be paying attention ---
In the 4/5 P&G insert there is a $2 off Olay bar soap (When you look at the coupon, you wont' think it is good on soap, but if you check the tiny print all the way through, it IS!!).
The Olay 2-pack bar soap sells for about $1.97 at Walmart so you could get it for FREE with the coupon.
And, Target, Stop & Shop, Price Chopper and Shaw's sell the 2-packs for about $2.29-$2.49 so you could get it really cheap at these stores as well after the $2 coupon!
This is one of those times when you're glad if you have multiple copies of that week's insert. Soap is easy to stockpile -- it doesn't take much space, it doesn't spoil and you know you'll use it.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Shaws: Week of 4/12
This is a slow week at Shaws--- next week is promising to be a much busier one from the previews of the flyer.
Here's my shopping list for this week (remember Shaws week runs from Friday thru Thursday. We're in the middle of the week already.)
Strawberries 16oz $1.49
Del Monte Pineapple $1.99
GG Boxed Veggies- 10/$10
Asparagus $1.49lb
Near East Rice Pilaf 10/$10
Baked Lays or Sun Chips $2.99 (Ginger loves these!!)
Philidelphia Block Cream Cheese 10/$10
Margherita Prosciutto $8.99lb
Margherita Salami $3.99lb
Sobe is 10/$10 --- there are coupons out there, I had cut them ahead of time and am not sure where they came from --but they end up free)
Kens salad dressing 16 oz or 7 oz lite accents (.35/1 from 3/8 SS, also out there $1/1 and $2/1 Not sure if they are unexpired though)
Sorrento Ricotta Cheese B1G1-There was a blinkie coupon $1 off these recently.
Shaws Russett Potatoes B1G1
Edy's Ice Cream B1G1
Sargento Shredded Cheese 2/$4
Price Chopper: Week of 4/12
Clip 'n Chop Coupon! 59 oz., All Varieties, Tropicana 50 or 64 oz. Carton,Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice or Ruby Red Grapefruit JuiceAll Varieties, Not From Concentrate$1.99 with Coupon from Newspaper Insert. Limit 1 coupon per customer. Do not double. Coupons cannot be combined.Looks like this is from the ad. Use the $1.00/1 Tropicana 50 coupon from the 4/5 inserts to get it for 99 cents.
Bananas 38 cents a pound (with in-ad coupon)
Pert Plus on sale for 2/$5 use 1$/1
Final cost: 50 cents each
Cocoa Puff s on sale for $1.99 use .75cent/1
Final Cost: .49 each (clearly not for me, but at this price, I'm happy to put them in the food pantry)
Sargento Salad/Potato Finishers on sale for $1.99 use $1/1
Final Cost: FREE
Ken Salad Dressing on sale for $1.99 use $1/1
Final Cost: FREE
Fantastisk on sale for $1.99 use $1/1
Final Cost: FREE
Supermarket Excursions: How I Save and Even Make Money at the Grocery Store too!!
Here's what I do:
- I sit down with each of the fliers from the markets that are available to me (that would be Price Chopper, Stop and Shop, Shaws, Big Y, Shop Rite, and A&P). I make lists of what's in the fliers that interests me and the prices
- As if find an item in another flier that is a better deal than where I first wrote it down, I cross it off the previous list and add it to the new list.
- I am a complete Slickdeals addict. After I've looked through the fliers and formed a tentative idea of what the deals are --- I go to Slickdeals and read through the forums quickly (some of them are very active lists) to see what I might have missed and to get my coupon matches started.
- Finally I use a database such as CouponMom's to double check for coupons to match my list.
Each week, I'm looking for deals on fresh produce, dairy and other things that are difficult to stockpile. I'm also on the lookout for free food!! If the free food is something that my family enjoys eating, it goes home and in the stockpile in our pantry. If not, then it comes home and goes to the food pantry to help feed people who need food. (I am a huge proponent of being generous with the time and skill of couponing!!)
My pantry is usually very well stocked with staples such as pasta, tuna, beans, dried fruit, flour, oil, rice, etc. Most of these were either FREE or at a very, very low cost. I plan our eating for the week around the staples in my pantry and the deals on fresh produce, dairy, and the occasional meat.
So --- by popular demand --- I'll begin posting my shopping lists for the supermarkets I'm working with that week (remember -- not all markets every week -- can you imagine the time it would take??)
CVS: Week of 4/12
Get $3.99 ECBs (Limit 2)
Use $0.75/1 or $1/1 coupon from the 2/22 or 3/29 SS
Final Cost: PROFIT
Buy 1 Softsoap Scrub Body Wash (18 oz.) at $4.99
Get $4.99 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use $1.50/1 coupon from the CVS Reinventing Beauty magazine
OR $1/1 from the 3/29 SS
Final Cost: PROFIT
Buy 2 Pantene Pro-V Shampoo, Conditioner, or Styler at $3.50 each
Get $2 ECBs (Limit 3)
Use 2 $2/1 Styler coupons from the CVS Reinventing Beauty magazine
Final Cost: $0.50 each
Buy $15 worth of select Nivea products, Get $5 ECBs (Limit 1)
Possible Scenario:
Buy 6 Nivea lip care products at $2.50 each
Use 6 $1/1 coupons from the 2/8 RedPlum (if you got them!!)
Spend $9 plus tax out of pocket
Get $5 ECBs
Final Cost: $0.67 each
Vitamin Water10 (20 oz.)--on sale for $1
Use $1/1 coupon from the 4/5 RedPlum insert
Final Cost: FREE
Colgate Toothpaste--on sale B1G1
Buy 2 at $1.99 (the cheapest tube that qualifies)
Use 2 $0.75/1 coupons from the 2/22 or 3/29 SS
Final Cost: $0.25 each
Kellogg's Cereals--on sale for $2 each
Use $1/1 coupon from the 4/5 RedPlum insert
Final Cost: $1 each (this is a better deal than the Walgreens deal in the end)
Walgreens: Week of 4/12
Mentos Gum--on sale 2 for $2 this month (must buy 2)
Buy two and use two $1/1 coupons from the 3/1 SS
Final Cost: FREE
Chex Mix Snacks--on sale $0.99
Use $0.50/1 coupon from 2/22
Final cost: $0.49
Skippy Peanut Butter--on sale B1G1 (2 for $2.29)
Buy 2 and use $1/2 coupon from 4/5 RP
Final Cost: $0.65
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner--on sale B1G1 (2 for $2.99)
Buy 2 and use two $0.75/1 coupons from 3/15
Final Cost: $0.75
Printer Cartridge Refill--on sale for $10 (black or color)Submit for Easysaver #28--get $7.50 back when you buy one (Limit 1)$2.50 per refilled cartridge after sale and rebate
Buy 1 Colgate Max White or Max Fresh Toothbrush at $3.49
Get $3.49 Register Rewards
Use $0.75/1 coupon from 3/29 SS
Final Cost: PROFIT $.75
Buy 1 Chapstick 100% Naturals or True Shimmer Lip Balm or Butter (.15 oz) at $1.99
Get a $2 Register Reward (This isn't shown in the weekly ad, but it certainly appears to be a monthly deal. I'll give it another go and make sure)
Final Cost; FREE
Buy 1 Edge Infused Energy Shave Gel at $3.59
Get $3.59 Register Rewards (again, this appears to be a monthly deal and so it should work even though its not showing up in the weekly flyer)
Final Cost: FREE
Buy 1 Skintimate Shave Cream at $2.99
Get $2.99 Register Rewards (Another one of the monthly deals, not showing up in the flyer)
Final Cost: FREE
Buy 1 Scunci Elastics 18 pk. at $2
Get $2 Register Rewards
Final Cost: FREE
Buy 1 Fiber Choice 10 ct. Tablets at $2.49
Get $2.49 Register Rewards
Final Cost: FREE
Buy 3 select Kellogg's cereal (on sale 3 for $10)
Get $3 Register Rewards
Use 3 $1/1 coupon from 4/5 RP
Final Cost: $1.33 (for each box)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Filling and Easter Basket??
They've put out some printable coupons for some great last minute fillers that won't break the bank.
Offers are valid now through Saturday, April 11th.
Coupons include:
$.79 Easter Baskets (Limit 3)
$.39 Russel Stover Easter Candy 5 to 1.2oz (Limit 6)
$.39 Life Savers Jelly Beans or Maxim Bubble Gum (Limit 6)
$.39 Easter Faire Filled Egg 1.38oz (Limit 6)
$1.99 Crayola Crayons with Built0in Sharpener 64pk (Limit 10)
$.39 Wonka or Nestle Easter Candy .92 to 1.75oz
Can't beat that....
Target and Walmart Week of 4/5
This week is kind of like that for both Target and Walmart. So --- if you're game, here's what interests me..... (play at your own risk!!)
Wal-Mart has 2-packs of Olay soap priced at $1.97. Use the $2/1 coupon from Sunday's P&G insert (April 5, 2009), to get these free!
They also have McCormick Seasoning packets priced around $0.50-$1. There was a $1/1 McCormick Seasoning coupon in this past Sunday's paper (4/5) which will make those free as well.
In the same paper, (4/5) there was a coupon for $1 off any Vitamin Water. These are on sale for $1 at both Wal-Mart and Target this week making them free.
Buy one Fusion Power Razor at $7.99
Buy one Gillette Shave Gel at $1.49
Use $2/1 Razor coupon from the 4/5 P&G
OR Use $1/1 Shave Gel coupon from the 4/5 P&G insert
Spend $6.48 plus tax out of pocket
Get a $5 Target gift card
Final Cost: $1.48 plus tax
Johnson's Safety Swabs--$1.38
Use the $0.75/1 Target coupon here
Stack with the $1/1 Johnson's coupon here (or from the 3/1)
Final Cost: FREE
Shout Wipes (trial size)--$0.97
Use $1/1 Shout Wipes printable
Final Cost: FREE
Pledge Aerosol Furniture Polish or Multi-Surface--$2.50 to $2.74
Use $3/1 Pledge Aerosol printable
or $2/1 Pledge Multi-Surface printable
Stack with $1/1 Pledge Target printable
Final Cost:FREE
Dole Salad (6 oz.)--$1.19 (I told you about this one already, I know)
Use $1/1 Target coupon
Final Cost: $0.19 each after coupon
Cheetos (snack size--located near the registers)--$1.25-$1.31 each
Use $1/1 Target coupon
$0.25-$0.31 each
Pop-Secret Popcorn (small boxes)--$1.49
Use $1/1 Target coupon
$0.49 each after coupon
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The End of Easysaver Rebates
We all knew that it couldn't continue to be the only place on earth that you could make 10% on your money. But I'm still sad to see it go.
So in the spirit of saving money and making money, I'm going to be watching out for ways to really max out this final month of ESR and make some money --- remember to put your rebate on a gift card to get the 10% bonus
(1) Colgate Total Toothpaste $3.49
(2) Betty Crocker Frostings $1.50 ea
(2) Visine AC $3.99 ea
Use:-$1 off Colgate(2 of them, please)
-$1 off BC Frosting(2 of these as well please)
-$3 off Visine
Total Due: $5.47
Get Back: $3.49, $1, & $3 RR
Final Cost: Profit $2.00
(1) Physicians Formula Organic Wear product $12.99
(1) Glade Lasting Impression $5.99
(1) Glade Wisp $5.99
(2) Cottonelle Fresh Wipes $1.99
(8) Easter Tumblers $1 for 8 (makes 8 filler items for $1 -- you need this to make the coupons come out right)
Use:-$3.49 RR-$1 RR-$3 RR
-$1 off Physicians Formula
-$4 off Lasting Impressions
-$5 off Wisp
-.50/2 CottonelleCottonelle in ad coupon
Easter Tumblers in ad coupon
Total Due: $11.96
Get Back: $14 in rebates ($15.40 after 10% bonus for choosing gift card)
Hershey’s Candy 8-10oz 4 for $10
-$5 Easy Saver Rebate wyb (4) Hershey’s Bagged Candies
-$1.50/3 Hershey’s Candy SS 3/15
(Buy 4, use coupon, makes it .87¢ ea after rebate)
Healthy Eating --- the Budget Way
But when I can get fresh, good food for pennies -- that really floats my boat.
And thanks to Target and Walmart -- I can do that this week. Here's the scoop:
You can get a bag of Dole salad for a measly $.19. Yes, you read that correctly --- NINETEEN CENTS!!! Target has released a fresh batch of coupons this week. In those coupons, there was one for $1.00 off of a bag of Dole salad. (yep, click the link to go to it) If you buy the 6 ounce bag, and use this coupon --- you end up paying only $.19 for the bag of salad. This is one of those times, when the larger size isn't really the bargain. You can repeat this deal as many times as you can print the coupon and carry the salad out of the store.
If you picked up a newspaper last Sunday, then you can also put your hands on cheap salad dressing at Wal-Mart this week.
There was a $1.50 0ff coupon in one of the inserts. This salad dressing is priced at $1.58 at Wal-Mart this week. Use the coupon with the sale and you have $.08 salad dressing. At this price, you can stockpile salad dressing and have it ready for lunch for the next 6 months or so.
Need Pantyhose?? Free??

Walgreens: Week of 4/5
(Grrrr, the formatting on this is driving me crazy --- I can't make this look decent. Sorry about that -- but I decided better a mess than not at all.) Not to be outdone by their competitor, CVS, Walgreens is working hard at making a contribution to a hoppy Easter too. They're particulary generous in the candy department of Easter celebrations this week. See what you think:
Weekly Deals
Palmolive Dish Liquid $0.99 after in-ad coupon
Use $1/2 from 3/29 SS Pay $0.49
Playtex Feminine Care $3.99
Use $1/1 coupon from 3/22 SS
Use $1/1 coupon from Easysaver catalog
Pay $1.99 each
Glade 4oz Jar Candles $2.99
Get $1 via ESR rebate #20 when you buy one (Limit 4)
Use $1.50/2 coupon from 3/15 SS
Pay $2.48 for two
Garnier Fructis Hair Care 3/$10
Get $10 when you spend $20 ESR rebate #3
Use $1/1 coupon from 3/8
Pay $4 for six items
Hershey’s Candy 4/$10
Get $5 back when you send $10 rebate #25
Use B3G1 free coupon from 3/15 SS
Pay $2.50 for four bags
Oust Surface and Air Sanitizer $2.99
Get $1 back when you buy one rebate #20 (Limit 4)
Use $2/1 coupon from 3/29 SS
Final Cost: FREE
Register Rewards Deals
Colgate Total Advanced 4oz $3.49,
Get $3.49 in RR
Use $1.50/1 from March All You magazine
Final Cost: PROFIT $1.50
Visine A.C. $3.99
Get $3 in RR when you buy two
Use two $3/1 coupons from 3/15 RP
Final Cost: PROFIT $1.20
Reach Ultraclean Toothbrush and Floss 2/$5
Get $2.50 RR when you buy two (mix and match)
Use $1/1 coupon from 2/8
Final Cost: $0.50 for two
Monthly EasySaver Rebate Deals
One a Day Multi-Vitamin Drink Mix 2ct $1.49
FREE after Easy saver rebate offer #1
Buy $10 in Physicians Formula Organix Wear Make up,
Get $10 via ESR rebate #6
Buy Physicians Formula organic Wear Origin Tinted moisturizer $12.99Use $1/1 coupon from 2/22 SS
Pay $1.99
CVS: Week of 4/5
Easter Grass $0.79, Get $0.79 ECBs (Limit 2)
Weekly Deals:
Colgate Max Fresh or Max White $2.99 Get $2 ECBs (Limit 1)
Buy 2 Jumbo Packs and 1 Wipes - $25
Lindt Truffles 2/$6 Get $1 ECB (Limit 5) I'll be doing this one if I can find the black wrapper truffles. We love them at our house and this is an exceptional price.
Excedrin 20-24 ct. $1.99 (one of you told me you're an Excedrin junkie -- this isn't a spectacular deal, but its pretty good.
Revlon Cosmetics BOGO prices as low as $1.99
Monthly Deals
Accu-chek Aviva Diabetes monitoring kit $9.99 Get $9.99 ECBs (Limit 1)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
This Week's Coupons
There will be NO coupons the following week because it's a holiday. Remember you can always check the schedule at Taylortown
So, will they be really great coupons?? Who knows. Its possible to go to various sites and check out the coupons ahead of time --- but I've learned the hard way --- that doesn't mean a darn thing in terms of what I'll actually end up with.
According to the coupon gods, which coupons are in your paper depends on the newspaper's distribution count. The bigger the newspaper - the better the coupons. However, those of you who've tried the NY Times know that isn't necessarily so. The NYT coupon selection (if you get any at all) is pathetic. And since several of the papers in the surrounding NYC area are part of the same distribution -- you get the same skinny coupon insert.
You need to be checking out other newspapers than your regular to check out which available papers have the best. Take a few minutes to scan which paper has the fattest inserts --- it really can make a difference.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Free Paper at Staples??

This is one of those deals that depend on luck as much as skill --- but if you get lucky, you can make out like a bandit.....
Staples is selling off paper reams that are in an old packaging style for $1 per ream after rebate. You are wanting a ream pictured here sellling for $6.99 in stores. You will get a $5.99 rebate back by mail per ream. There is NO LIMIT on the number of rebates you can claim. For rebate information go here and search for SKU 554638.
Now, you can make this deal even better!! Find a Staples or Office Depot coupon and use that (they accept competitor coupons as a matter of corporate policy. Just go to the website and print off a copy of the corporate policy --- take it with you in case of a manager or cashier who doesn't know their own policy)
So --- here's how to set up the deal (if you can find 8 packages of the old wrapper paper:
- Buy 8 reams at $6.99 eaUse: $10 off $50 couponTotal Due: $45.92 before tax -- pay this out of pocket.
- Get Back: $47.92 in rebates when you file for the rebate (you're ahead already)
- Use your staples rewards card when you check out and you will get $4.50 in staples rewards to use later. Such a bonus!!
Final Cost: PROFIT $6.50