Friday, September 26, 2008
Walgreens Coupon and Double-dipping
Go here if you haven't already gotten a copy of the Walgreens coupon --- you'll need it. And remember -- your total has to be $20 AFTER all of the coupons and deals come together (but not the Register Rewards or rebates)
First off, if you haven't gotten the free after rebate items, check that list first. You automatically make money with this weekend (and this is without the double-dipping scenarios!). You buy $20 worth of free-after-rebate products. You use the $5 OFF $20, which reduces your total to $15. Then you file for your rebate - and take the rebate as a Walgreens gift card (with a 10% bonus) and your rebate becomes $22.00. You're ahead of the game by $7.00 and you have all that stuff (there is some pretty good free-after-rebate stuff this month)
I picked up most of the free-after-rebate items during the last $ off $$ sale a few weeks ago. So for this one I used the two remaining items to fill in and get my total up to $20 (the store was out of them when I did the sale the last time) Go here to see how I did the free-after-rebate items already.
So for today, I used the double-dipping items for most of my $20. These are items that are in one monthly Easy Saver booklet as a coupon discount and in the other monthly Easy Saver booklet as a rebate. For these two days, you can use both the coupon discount AND file for the rebate. When you can combine that with a manufacturer's coupon it can become a really good deal --- and then layer the $5 off $20 on top of that.
For instance:
Garnier shampoo and conditioner $6.99 each (the big bottles for this one).
Buy 3 = $20.97 (can't use the $5 off $20 yet, because we're throwing all kinds of coupons at it)
- $9.00 -- from the $3.00 October EasySaver coupon (x3 for the 3 bottles)
- $3.00 --- manufacturer's coupons on Garnier from a tear off pad a while back
$8.97 oop
But -- there is a $10 rebate when you buy $20 worth of Garnier from the September EasySaver booklet --- so I'm ahead by just over $1.00 on this one
Pert Shampoo (I hate this stuff -- but this deal is so good, I'll do it and put the bottle in the donation bag for the food pantry)
its on sale right now for $4.29 (the big bottle again)
-$2.50 October EasySaver coupon
-$2.00 coupon from 9/7 SS
But -- there is a $4.29 rebate in the September EasySaver booklet -- so I'm ahead of the game by $4.50 on this one. (which is why I'm buying shampoo I don't like!)
You can string together some excellent deals this way. Here was my first stab ---
3 Garnier
1 Pert
2 Glade Oil refills (I am addicted to that stuff now)
used the $1.00 coupon from the September EasySaver and the BOGO coupon from the 8/24 SS
2 Reach toothbrushes (used the $1.00 coupon fromt he 6/8 RP)
1 Adidas antiperspirant $1.99 with the in-ad coupon and I used the $1.00 from the 9/7 RP
I barely made it over the $20.00 mark after all the coupons --- so I paid out about $16.00 and I'll get $16.00 back in rebates (plus 10% for putting it on my Walgreens gift card!!) And I got $5.00 Register Rewards right away for the Reach toothbrushes.
You can really make some money with this whole deal. See what I mean:
$5 two Reach toothbrushes
$4.49 Crest Rinse Mouth Wash
$16.49 Loreal Revitalift Antiwrinkle Serum
$3.79 Pert Plus Shampoo=$29.77
-2 two Reach coupons from 6/8
-3 one Loreal Revitalift coupon from 7/20
-2 Pert Manufacturer coupon (I don't have the date of the coupon, but it was within the last month)
-2.50 Pert October Easy Saver coupon (coupon deal for October -- see!)
-5 $5 off $20 purchase Walgreens coupon
=15.27 out of pocket
But wait ----- you get back
$5 RR for Reach products,
$4.49 RR for the Mouthwash
and $20.28 in Rebates for the Loreal Serum and Pert
so you're ahead of the game by $14.50. Can't beat that.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
RedBox Movie Rentals
But the whole RedBox thing --- that was a snap.
For those of you who are scratching your heads right now --- RedBox is the chain of DVD rental kiosks in grocery stores. Around here they're in Stop and Shop (I haven't seen them other places, but then again, I haven't been looking either)
They charge about $1/day, which seemed rather reasonable to me --- our local video store gets more than that --- Which brings us to the caveat: you MUST return the RedBox video before 9 PM. I guess that's how they keep the price so cheap??
But it gets even better. You can rent movies for free — (and I just learned this part --- obviously, this isn't personal experience yet!) over and over and over again. Yep, you read that right.... apparently, Redbox offer promo codes for free one-night rentals, and you can keep on using the same promo code over and over again.
Here's how to get started:
1. Find your local Redbox. Check out the local Stop and Shop or click on over to their website for the kiosk finder (look here)
2. Go to the Redbox location, and select "Rent with a Promo Code"
3. Enter the code "Breakroom" and choose your movie
4. Swipe your credit/debit card (they're not stupid. They want to know how to find you and how to charge you if you don't return the DVD when you're supposed to. Remember return by 9 PM the next day or they WILL charge you!!) and get the movie
I also just learned that you can get the free Monday RedBox codes sent right to your cell phone --- I always just check a few of the blogs that regularly post the codes (something I probably should start doing here)
And -- the bonus ---it seems that every state with RedBoxes has some promo codes that can be used whenever you want (not just Mondays) This site will give you the codes for your state and will help you keep track of which ones you've already used (most of them won't work more than once with the same credit card (although if you ahve multiple cards, you can repeat codes fairly easily) Go to for the codes for your state.
Have fun
Rite Aid: Week of Sept 21
Suave Lotion or Body Wash--$1.99
Use $0.75/1 lotion from 09/21 RedPlum
Get $1 Single Check Rebate (#14, limit 1)
it comes out to about $0.24 after coupon and rebate
Suave Antiperspirant/Deodorant--$1.99
Use $0.75/1 from 09/21 RedPlum insert
Get $1 Single Check Rebate (#35, limit 2)
this one comes out to about $0.24 after coupon and rebate
Dawn Dish Soap--$.99 (I usually hold out for free Dawn, but this isn't a bad price, especially if you're new at this -- and you need dish soap!)
Use $0.50/1 from 08/31 P&G insert
$0.49 after coupon (no rebate on this one!!)
Garnier Shampoo, Conditioner or Stylers--2/$6.00
Buy 3 and use 3 $1/1 coupons from 09/14 RedPlum insert
Get $5 Single Check Rebate for buying 3
$0.33 each after coupons and rebate
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
CVS Week of 9/21
Anyway - here's what else I'm thinking for this week:
Transaction 1
L'oreal bare naturale I'm getting the eyeliner, cuz I actually really like this stuff - $7.99
Nivea for Men - $4.99
Adidas - $5.29
3 Johnson and Johnson buddies soaps $.99 each
Total: $21.24
Coupons Used:
$4/$20 CVS
$1 L'oreal coupon from 7/20
$1 Nivea coupon (don't know where I got this one)
$1 Adidas coupon
$3 Johnson Soaps coupon
$11.24 to be paid with ECB of course
Earn: 3 ECB, 4.99 ECB, and 4 ECB for a total of $11.99 ECB --- a tiny bit of profit -- not bad.
Transaction 2
Soyjoy bars 10/ $5.00 (my family loves these -- don't ask)
Schick Quattro refills BOGO
$3.00 off Soyjoy coupon 9/7
$4.00 Quatto coupon
You Can't Febreeze the Dog!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Walgreens Coupon for 9/13 and 9/14
But --- that means its a terrific time to stock up on all of the free after rebate products (you automatically make 25% this way) and fill in with any clearance items.
So here's my plan for Walgreens today (I'm planning on hitting two different Walgreens because I'm hoping against hope for my number 1 item)
1. Magic Bullet -- this baby is normally around $50 (even at Walgreens) but there are reports all over the web that many Walgreens have them on clearance now for around $15 (much more to my budget's liking!!) I went to one Walgreens last week but they had none (not even in the regular price "as seen on TV" aisle). But let me tell you, if I find one of these at that kind of a price, I WILL be buying it ON THE SPOT (even without the $10 off $40 coupon in my hot little hand)
Now for my free after rebate items:
2. Vacuum bags -- these are on the free after rebate list at Walgreens. I didn't think I wanted them, but I've been convinced. All those summer clothes I'm getting ready to pack away will take up much less space in these babies --- and since in an old, old house, I'm pretty much limited to some attic storage and under the bed storage -- every inch counts. I'm planning on getting two of these (different sizes) because they both qualify for the rebate. Woo hoo.
3. Pert Plus -- I think I've still got one coupon from the 8/3 insert (which will make this even more of a moneymaker). We're not fond of Pert at our house, but it makes a terrific donation for our food pantry or for the battered women's shelter.
4. Excedrin Express Gels -- we go through Excedrin like candy -- (hmmm what does that say about my household, anyway??). I have some coupons from an earlier online printout that will make this an even better deal.
5. Nivea body wash for men -- I still have the coupon from 7/13 and hubby loves this stuff. free after rebate and the value of the coupon as a bonus..... good deal for me.
6. Crest Pro Health toothpaste --- there were coupons in the PG from Labor Day weekend -- plus free after rebate.
7. Revlon nail polish -- I don't really need this -- it will go to the battered women's shelter most likely -- but I still have the coupons from both 7/20 and 8/24, so good deal.
All of that will easily add up to $40 to let me use that $10 off $40.
I'll probably do a transaction buying Register Rewards products this week too --- (if I do that first, I can use the RR to pay for all of this stuff.... good plan!) Here are the ones I'm considering (I'm passing on the cough syrup deal for one)
Crest 500ml Pro-Health Rinse $4.49 get $4.49 rebate item plus RR on top of that!!
Buy 2, get $2, Buy4 get $5, buy 7 get $10
-$2.49 Shout Spray or Wipes
use the coupon from 8/10
Fantastic $2.49Windex Spray or Wipes $2.49
coupons from SS 7/20
Scrubbing Bubbles Wipes $2.49 or 16oz Foaming Spray-$2.49 on 2, bogo Scrubbing Bubbles Wipes
coupon 7/20-
Pledge Spray or Wipes $3.29
coupon from 7/20
Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Foamer $3.79
coupon 8/24
Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush MAX Starter Kit $3.79free Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush refill w/ purchase of Starter Kit and coupon from 7/20
Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber $3.79-$2.75 off action scrubber
Drano Gel $3.49
Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner $19.99 get $10 RR-$5 Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner Starter Kit -$5
Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner Starter Kit coupon 7/20
Buy 2 or more Listerine Products $11/2 get $6 RR
coupon from 7/27
Oral B or Crest $8/3 get $3 RR
coupon P&G 8/31
Buy 2 or more Delsym or Mucinex Products get $5 RR
Tylenol Allergy, Cold or Sinus Relief $4.99
Benedryl $3.99
coupon 7/27
Buy 2 get $5, buy 3 get $10 RR
Advil PM $6.99
coupon 8/17/08
Monday, September 1, 2008
CVS Part II 9/1/08
Go to CVS --- and find the Accu-Check Diabetes Monitoring Kit. It will be in the back of the store by the pharmacy counter (which is where all of the diabetic supplies are located) It is on sale for $9.99.
Take it to the counter, along with something incredibly cheap (like a package of M&Ms) to get your total over the $10 mark.
Give the clerk your CVS card, and let the ring up go --- your total will be about $10.50 or so....
Give the clerk the $2/10 coupon that we clipped from the magazine the other day. Now, your total will be about $8.50. Use your ECB from the Covergirl transaction to pay. Your receipt will print out $9.99 ecbs. You're ahead of the game another $1.50.
Take the glucose monitor home and check it carefully --- they very often have a rebate for the full purchase price. If your box has a rebate form --- you want to use it and get the $9.99 back from the company.
Finally --- if a blood glucose monitor is not something you normally use, donate it to the Humane Society (they use them with diabetic cats), a Senior center, a local social services agency etc. There are many, many people who DO use a blood glucose monitor, for whom getting one is a major problem. You'll be a hero!!!
Beginners' CVS 9/1/08
First Trip to CVS:
Remember to swipe your CVS card at the magic red coupon machine!!
- Covergirl Outlast All Day Lipcolor B1G1Free - Use the B1G1Free coupon from the Sunday insert (8/31 PG). This makes BOTH of them FREE!! Woo Hoo
- Covergirl Wetslicks $5.99 Use the B1G1Free coupon from the Sunday insert (8/31 PG) You'll still be paying out of pocket for the first one. (older newbies, use your ExtraBucks from last week!!) Now, also use the $1/1 coupon from this Sunday's insert (8/31 PG) to make a $1 profit! At the bottom of your receipt - $5.99 ECBs. In effect you just got this makeup for free too!!
- 2 tubes of Colgate Toothpaste $2.99 - $2 ecbs = 99¢ (limit 2) Go here to print $1.50/1 IP coupon. This will make this end up as a moneymaker!!
Ready? Here we go!
Hand the clerk your CVS card. Let the clerk ring up all of your purchases and come up what what s/he thinks is your total. S/he will say something like: $24.00. Try not to giggle. Then, let the fun begin!!
Give the clerk your $4/20 coupon (remember we saved them from your receipts last week? -- New newbies, cross your fingers and try the magic red coupon machine)
Give the clerk your manufacturer's coupons ---- Your total should come down to about $8.00. Use your ECB from last week (or pay with cash, new newbies). And then wait patiently for your receipt --- it will take a minute or two to print out this week. You'll get $4.00 ECB for the toothpaste, and $5.99 ECB for the Covergirl Wetslicks. You're ahead of the game by about $1.00 already --- and the week is young!!
After you've successfully done this deal, come back and we'll put the Pantene coupons from this week's insert to very, very good use.
Why God Made Moms