Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Free Christmas Music!!

Let me start out by saying "I am not an Oprah fan." Don't get me wrong -- I don't dislike Oprah, I'm just not any kind of an Oprah fan. I know alot of people who think the sun rises and sets on Oprah. They are probably the people who buy the books, gifts, etc simply because she recommends them.
I, on the other hand, have two problems going with that whole thing. One, I'm not a huge Oprah fan --- I like some of her stuff, and I deeply dislike other of her stuff. Two, I'm too cheap to go out and buy something just because someone else says so. Heck, I don't even take free stuff just because someone says so.
But free Christmas music for my Ipod --- that is something I can get into. And I don't care one whit that it came from Oprah. Her website has 8 different Christmas songs --- mostly classics that you'll at least recognize --- that you can download for FREE for the next 48 hours (the website doesn't say when the 48 hours began -- so get there quick!!)
The playlist includes

So head on over --- the link is here.... and get some free Christmas music to start the holiday season and get you in the mood.

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