Monday, March 21, 2011

CVS: Week of 3/20

Allegra 5ct $6.99, get $6.99 ECB (limit 1)
$2/1 Allegra coupon OR
$2/1 Allegra Products 3/6/2011 SS
Final Cost:  PROFIT $2.00

Cobroxin Homeopathic Oral Spray  $18.99, get $18.99 ECB
Final Cost:  FREE

Crest or Oral B Pro Health Complete Rinse, Clinical Gum Toothpaste or Glide Clinical Floss $3.49, get $2.50 ECB (limit 2)
$0.75/1 Oral-B Satin Glide Floss or Picks 2/27/2011 PG
$1/1 Crest Liquid Gel 2/27/2011 PG
Final Cost:  FREE

If you're actually paying for things, there are some other deals that might be worth your time -- but that's it for me.

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