Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hallmark Coupon

Time to pay attention, chiclettes ---- I know that you (and I) want adorable, fancy gift wrap for Christmas packages.  But I also know that neither of us wants to actually pay for it.  So --- assuming that you didn't haul home a gigantic stash of chic gift wrap from the day after Christmas sale last year (yeah, I don't go near the stores that day either) -- here's how to get it 

Look inside the following magazines for a coupon for $5 off your purchase of $5 or more at Hallmark Stores:
Dec. Real Simple (between pages 74-74)
Dec. Family Circle (page 61)
Dec. Martha Stewart Living (page 93)
Dec. Redbook (pages 53-54)
Dec. Oprah Magazine (Page 111)  
so -- you take the coupon to the Hallmark store -- and buy just barely over $5.00 of gorgeous gift wrap etc.  You use the $5/5 coupon and you pay the tiny bit of difference.  DONE --- (see why you want as many of these as you can put your hands on??)

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