Sunday, September 26, 2010

Walgreens: Week of 9/26

It looks like the beginning of stock-up time for the winter cold and flu season.  Remember, one of the tricks to shopping this way is anticipating your future needs.  Winter is coming (it always does) and colds and flu’s are right behind it.  You  will need cold remedies, Kleenex and whatever else you use to combat the nasty viruses.  Start thinking ahead --- how much will you likely use for the entire winter?  It can sit on your shelf as easily as the store’s shelf.  Get it now for free --- don’t pay top dollar for it when you need it. 

Vicks Sinex  $6.00
Get a $2.00 RR
Use $4.00/1 from 9/26 PG
Final Cost:  FREE

Highland Cold and Cough $4.99
Get $4.99 RR
Final Cost:  FREE

Emergen-C $3.49
Get a $3.49 RR
Final Cost:  FREE

Fullbar Fit $1.99
Get a $2.00 RR
Final Cost: FREE

Vaseline Sheer Infusion Lotion $5.99
Get a $5.00 RR
Some bottles seem to have peelies for $2/1 on them
Could be FREE or $.99

Tilex 2/$5.00
Get $2.00 RR when you purchase 2
Final Cost;  $.50 each

Spend $10.00 in Suave
Get $3.00 RR
Deodorant or Body Wash $2.00 each
Shampoo, Conditioner or Lotion $3.00
2x shampoo at $3.00 each
2x body wash or deodorant at $2.00 each = $10.00
Use 2x $.50/1 body wash printable
Use 1x $1.00/2 professional product printable
Final Cost:  $5.00 for 4 items or $1.25 each --- doesn’t seem like a good price to me, but those of you who are dedicated Suave fans can decide (see I pay attention to you!!)

AXE shampoo and body wash
Get $1.00
Use BOGO shower get from 8/29 RP
OR use $.75/1 from 8/1 RP
Final Cost: $2.00 each (this is not a price I would normally even consider, but I had a specific request from a 12 year old whom I adore --- so, you know….)

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