Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stop and Shop: Week of 4/2

Buy any three or more Kellogg's cereals (12 oz or larger, any flavor, mix or match) between 3-19 to 4-10 (sale price seems to be $2.88)
buy 3-4 get 1 free gallon or
buy 5-6 get 2 free gallons or
buy 7 or more get 3 free gallons
All free milk coupons are good on any brand, any flavor up to 4.19 per gallon
3/28 and 3/7 RP had boatloads of different coupons for $1/1, $2/2, $1/2 and $1.50/2
It should be fairly easy to pull together a deal on some kind of cereal your family likes with this one.

Buy 4 Dole canned pineapple $1 each
Using .55/2 Printable [smartsource.com]) (if you can print 4  -- you’ll need two computers)
Final Cost:  FREE – plus you should get a CAT for either $.50 or a free Dole Crisp –reports vary out there

Wish-Bone Salad Dressing (8 oz.) – $1
Use $0.75/1 printable here (IE) or here (FF)

Or buy 2 and use $1.25/2 coupon from the 3/28 RedPlum Final Cost:  FREE to $.38 each 

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